• R500 for a  Baby Growth and 3/4D scan. Available every day of the week, except Saturdays

     We are still waiting on our registration with Discovery. All other medical aids are accepted. Please phone for an appointment.

    Baby Scans

    Home / Baby Scans

    Dating (Viability) scan, NT Scan (13w), Growth scan, Fetal Assessment/Detail scan, 3/4 D scan and a Pre-Delivery scan

    We offer a variety of pregnancy scans that check the well-being of your baby throughout your pregnancy. Our 3D/4D scans show what the baby actually looks like. This can give you a first real look at baby’s features such as face, arms and legs.

    Medical Aid Bookings (Done on certain days - Please phone for an appointment)

    PRICE: R

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    Dating Scan - First Scan After 6 Weeks

    Dating Scan - First Scan After 6 Weeks

    After 6 Weeks

    PRICE: R500

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    Need to know how far along you are with your pregnancy? For us to determine if it is a viable pregnancy you need to be at least 6 weeks pregnant. Also remember you need to have a full bladder.

    This will be done in 2D with images and a video. You will also receive a printed report. Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

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    NT Scan (Nuchal Translucency) - As close to 13w as possible

    NT Scan (Nuchal Translucency) - As close to 13w as possible

    Ideally around 13 weeks

    PRICE: R1100

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    An NT scan is a common screening test that occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy. This test measures the size of the clear tissue, called the nuchal translucency, at the back of your baby's neck. It's not unusual for a fetus to have fluid or clear space at the back of their neck. But too much clear space can indicate Down syndrome, or might show another chromosome abnormality like Patau syndrome or Edwards syndrome. This scan must be done  as close to 13w as possible and a blood test must be done at 11 weeks. You will also receive a printed report to take to your healthcare provider.

    Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

    Baby Growth Scan - Anytime After 6 Weeks  (Incl Gender  after 16 weeks)

    Baby Growth Scan - Anytime After 6 Weeks (Incl Gender after 16 weeks)

    After 6 Weeks

    PRICE: R500

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    This scan is to see how your baby is growing. We do all the measurements and include images and a video. You will also receive a printed report.Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

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    Baby Growth and 3/4D Scan (R500) - This scan will be available every day of the week, except on Saturdays. (26-32weeks)

    Baby Growth and 3/4D Scan (R500) - This scan will be available every day of the week, except on Saturdays. (26-32weeks)

    15 min scan

    PRICE: R500

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    This scan is to see how your baby is growing. We do all the measurements and include images and a video. You will also receive a printed report. 3/4D images of the baby will be included, all done in 15-20min time slot. Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

    Gender Scan - After 16 Weeks (Including the growth of the baby)

    Gender Scan - After 16 Weeks (Including the growth of the baby)

    Anytime after 16 weeks

    PRICE: R500

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    Need to know whether it is a boy or a girl? Let us take a quick look and give you our expert opinion. We have been doing this for years and know what to look for. We will even give you some pictures. 

    This will be done in 2D with images and a video. You will also receive a printed report. Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

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    Anomaly / Detail Scan (Fetal Assessment) - Between 20 - 24 Weeks

    Anomaly / Detail Scan (Fetal Assessment) - Between 20 - 24 Weeks

    Between 20 and 24 Weeks

    PRICE: R1100

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    Anomaly/Detail scan is performed between 20 - 24 weeks.  This scan is to measure the fetus and to assess for any abnormalities. It is perfomed  by a qualified Sonographer with years of experience in anomaly scans.

    This will include images and a video as well as a report that you can give to your Gyneacologist or clinic. Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

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    3D/4D Scan - Between 26 - 32 Weeks  (Incl Gender and the Growth of the baby)

    3D/4D Scan - Between 26 - 32 Weeks (Incl Gender and the Growth of the baby)

    Between 26 and 32 Weeks

    PRICE: R700

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    See your baby in 3D/4D using our state-of-the-art ultrasound machine. We will try our best to give you the most beautiful pictures of your unborn baby. We will also tell you the gender (if you want to know) at no extra cost.

    This will be done in 3D/4D with images and a video. You will also receive a printed report. Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

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    Pre-Delivery Check

    Pre-Delivery Check

    Between 36 and 40 Weeks

    PRICE: R500

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    Scan to check that all is well before delivery. Done between 36 - 40 weeks. We check the amniotic fluid, placental position. We also do measurements to determine the weight.

    This will be done in 2D. You will also receive a printed report.  Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

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    Anomaly / Detail Scan - Between 20 - 24 Weeks (Twins)

    Anomaly / Detail Scan - Between 20 - 24 Weeks (Twins)

    Between 18 and 24 Weeks

    PRICE: R2200

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    Anomaly scan performed between 20 - 24 weeks.  This scan is to measure the fetus and to assess for any abnormalities. It is perfomed  by a qualified Sonographer with years of experience in anomaly scans.

    This will include images and a video as well as a report that you can give to your Gyneacologist or clinic. Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

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    3D/4D Scan - Between 26 - 32 Weeks  (Twins)

    3D/4D Scan - Between 26 - 32 Weeks (Twins)

    Between 26 and 32 Weeks

    PRICE: R1400

    Book Appointment

    See your baby in 3D/4D using our state-of-the-art ultrasound machine. We will try our best to give you the most beautiful pictures of your unborn baby. We will also tell you the gender (if you want to know) at no extra cost.

    This will be done in 3D/4D and we include images and a video. Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. You will also receive a printed report. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

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    NT Scan (Nuchal Translucency) - Twins - As close to 13w as possible

    NT Scan (Nuchal Translucency) - Twins - As close to 13w as possible

    PRICE: R1800

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    An NT scan is a common screening test that occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy. This test measures the size of the clear tissue, called the nuchal translucency, at the back of your baby's neck. It's not unusual for a fetus to have fluid or clear space at the back of their neck. But too much clear space can indicate Down syndrome, or might show another chromosome abnormality like Patau syndrome or Edwards syndrome. This scan must be done as close to 13w as possible and a blood test must be done at 11 weeks.

    Please bring our own USB if you want the images and video immediately. You will also receive a printed report. We will be loading onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

    Baby Growth Scan - Twins - Anytime After 6 Weeks  (Incl Gender after 16 weeks)

    Baby Growth Scan - Twins - Anytime After 6 Weeks (Incl Gender after 16 weeks)

    PRICE: R1000

    Book Appointment

    This scan is to see how your baby is growing. We do all the measurements and include images and a video. Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. You will also receive a printed report. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

    Cervical Length Assessment (incl baby growth)

    Cervical Length Assessment (incl baby growth)


    PRICE: R700

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    During pregnancy, a short cervical length is associated with a risk of spontaneous preterm birth. The shorter the cervical length, the greater the risk. Therefore, measuring cervical length by ultrasound can help to predict preterm birth.

    This is an internal scan

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    Growth Scan & Doppler

    Growth Scan & Doppler


    PRICE: R700

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    Why might I need a Doppler scan?

    Your doctor may recommend a Doppler scan if you need extra care during your pregnancy, for example if

    • your baby isn't growing at a healthy rate
    • your baby is measuring small for dates
    • you're carrying twins or more and there are signs of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)
    • you've previously had a small baby
    • you've previously suffered the loss of your baby in late pregnancy or at birth
    • you have an existing medical condition
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