• R500 for a  Baby Growth and 3/4D scan. Available every day of the week, except Saturdays

     We are still waiting on our registration with Discovery. All other medical aids are accepted. Please phone for an appointment.

    Anomaly / Detail Scan - Between 20 - 24 Weeks (Twins)

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    Anomaly / Detail Scan - Between 20 - 24 Weeks (Twins)

    Anomaly / Detail Scan - Between 20 - 24 Weeks (Twins)

    Anomaly scan performed between 20 - 24 weeks.  This scan is to measure the fetus and to assess for any abnormalities. It is perfomed  by a qualified Sonographer with years of experience in anomaly scans.

    This will include images and a video as well as a report that you can give to your Gyneacologist or clinic. Please bring your own USB if you want the images and video immediately. We will be loading it onto our secure portal and send you a link to view and download it. 

    PRICE: R2200

    SCAN DURATION: for a 1 hour scan

    WHEN CAN THE SCAN BE DONE: Between 18 and 24 Weeks