• R500 for a  Baby Growth and 3/4D scan. Available every day of the week, except Saturdays

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    Home / Articles

    Posted on 22 May 2018 in Pregnancy, Ultrasound, General

    Many parents are keen to know the sex of their baby before it is born. Using an ultrasound you can tell whether a baby is a boy or a girl. Can I find out my baby's gender in the first trimester (1 to 12 weeks)? The sex of a baby is genetically determined at conception, but during the early development they all look the same. It is very unlikely that you will get to know the sex in the first trimester. Can I find out my baby's gender in the second trimester (13 to 28 we...

    Posted on 05 Apr 2017 in Ultrasound, General

    Unline 2D scans where you see the internal organs and outline of your baby, with 3D and 4D scans, you see your baby's skin. You may see the shape of your baby's mouth and nose, or be able to spot him or her yawning or sticking their tongue out. 3D and 4D scans are considered as safe as 2D scans, because the images are made up of sections of two-dimensional images converted into a picture. The 4D scans are increasingly popular thanks to the incredible l...

    Posted on 05 Apr 2017 in Ultrasound, General

    2D Ultrasound give you outlines and flat looking images, but can be used to see the internal organs of your baby. This is helpful in diagnosing heart defects, issues with the kidneys and other internal issues.  Although qualified sonographers can perform these types of scans it is best left to your Gyneacologist as he or she has the proper training and experience and knows what to look for. These types of scans are usually done during your routine...

    Posted on 05 Apr 2017 in Ultrasound, General

    There is no evidence that ultrasound scans are harmful, if used according to the guidelines ultrasound scans have been used in pregnancy for decades. We ensure that when performing the 4D scans we will follow all the right guidelines to ensure that you and your baby are safe.Having an ultrasound will not affect your baby. Ultrasound sends sound waves through your womb (uterus), which bounce off your baby's body. The echoes are turned into an image on a screen, so that you can see ...