How to treat morning sickness during pregnancy.
Morning sickness can be treated with a combination of dietary changes, medications, and rest.
Dietary changes
Eat small, frequent meals of bland foods that are high in carbohydrates and low in fat
Eat foods that contain ginger, such as ginger tea, ginger ale, or crystallized ginger
Eat salty foods
Eat foods that are easy to digest, like bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast
Avoid foods or smells that make you feel sick
Drink plenty of fluids, such as water, diluted juice, soups, or broths
Take vitamin B6, an over-the-counter treatment for nausea and vomiting
Take doxylamine, an over-the-counter medication found in sleep aids
Take an antiemetic drug, a prescription drug that prevents vomiting
Take an allergy medication, like Benadryl, which may help with vomiting
Get plenty of rest, including a good night's sleep
Take naps during the day, but not right after eati