A Fetus of 16w during pregnancy

At 16 weeks pregnant, a fetus is about the size of an avocado, measuring around 11.6cm long and weighing approximately 110 grams, with developing facial features, the ability to move limbs, and may even start making facial expressions although they cannot control them yet; this is considered the beginning of the second trimester where significant growth occurs.
Key points about a 16-week fetus:
Facial development:
Eyes are moving towards the front of the head, ears are nearing their final position, and facial muscles are developing allowing for some facial expressions like frowning or squinting, though these are involuntary.
The fetus can now move its arms and legs more actively, including flexing its hands into fists, and may even start to suck its thumb.
Sensory development:
While still closed, the eyes are becoming sensitive to light and the ears are developing, allowing the fetus to potentially hear sounds.
Organ development:
The circulatory system is fully functioning, the heart is pumping robustly, and the umbilical cord is mature.
Possible to feel movement:
If this is not your first pregnancy, you might start to feel the baby's movements, called "quickening", around this tim